Sound Healing

shannon ryan, energy medicine practitioner

sound-waves    Sound Healing utilizes vibrational sound frequencies to assist with releasing patterns of stress and toxicity, as well as fascilitating harmony, balance, and support. The sound frequencies may also provide a doorway into altered states of consciousness where potent healing medicine and internal guidance may be made readily available.

Individual (as well as community) sound healing sessions are offered using celtic harp, tibeten singing bowls, medicine drum, rattles, bells, and the human voice.


Sound Healing  Therapeutic Harp  |  Integrative Energy Medicine  

Integrative Sound Body Healing Session  |   Personal Essence Harp Recordings

Sound Sanctuary  |  New Moon Sanctuary


Therapeutic Harp

In a therapeutic harp session, the harp and voice are utilized at the bedside (or tableside), to create a “cradle of sound” to help nourish and support clients through transitions in life, birth, and death. Through tuning into vital signs, as well as resonant tone and spiritual essence, Shannon is able to respond to her client with a live musical offering that reflects their personal essence and divine nature.


Integrative Energy Medicine Session

An integration of advanced energy medicine modalities, subtle bodywork, and vibrational sound healing with voice, tibeten singing bowls, and therapeutic harp.


Integrative Sound Body Healing Session

A harmonious blend of subtle and intuitive bodywork, master level reiki, and vibrational sound healing with voice, tibeten singing bowls, and therapeutic harp.

Clients remain clothed in an integrative sound body healing session


Personal Essence Harp Recordings

I tune into your essence and highest blueprint, and then allow the harp and song to express this.  This will be a recording written and composed especially for you. You may then listen to this recording to realign yourself with your divine potential and to support you in actualizing your authentic essence.


Sound Sanctuary 

Nourishing Essence through Guided Meditation and Medicinal Music

This is an invitation to gather within a spiritual community as we meditate, pray, sound, and bathe in the ancient and healing song of the celtic harp, tibeten bowls, human voice, and medicine drum



New Moon Sanctuary

Nourishing Your Sacred Intentions through Guided Meditation and Medicinal Music

This is an invitation to gather within a spiritual community as we meditate, pray, sound, and bathe in the ancient and healing song of the celtic harp, tibeten bowls, human voice, and medicine drum

